While Golden Girl Group Home receives funding from the state of West Virginia for our residents' basic needs, these funds do not cover our entire budget. There is no money provided for such expenses as weekend movie trips, special celebrations, or other recreational activities.

Additional fundraising and volunteer projects bridge the gap and allow us to provide the girls with a full, balanced life. Our supporters and contributors are invaluable in supporting our girls. Here are just a few ways you can help.

Construction and Maintenance Projects

Are you handy around the house, or working with remodeling projects? Golden Girl Group Home is housed in a series of beautiful older buildings that are in constant need of maintenance.

In the fall of 2012, we were able to open our first transitional living house. After girls turn 18, they can use this program as a stepping-stone to living on their own. If you or your business would like to assist with this project, please contact us.

Fund Raising Events Volunteer

Throughout the year, Golden Girl Group Home has fund-raising events to provide recreational money for the girls. These events couldn't happen without the dozens of volunteers who give of their time and energy. Contact us for details on the next event, or check our website for opportunities to get involved.

Office Volunteers

Our staff has a big job working with 24 girls around the clock. Help with general office duties would help ease the load. From data entry on the computer to stuffing envelopes to catching up on filing, these daily tasks are critical to our smooth operations. In just a few hours each week, you could make a huge difference for our staff, and ultimately our girls.